My Journey

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My Journey




By Rev. Violet

On the last Friday in October 1980, my life changed forever in a way that is beyond words.  I attended my first Spiritualist class which prompted me to attend The First Church of Spiritual Science, in Muncie, IN., where I was introduced to the world of metaphysical teachings.  I knew I had come home.  The minister, and my teacher and friend for 10 years, was Rev. Virginia Leach Falls.  I was a faithful student, and she a beautiful guide, as she lived her life by example and instilled in me the principles of fundamental Spiritualism.  The seeds that she planted those many years ago have thrived and supported my own growth on the way to becoming the expression of life that I am today.

A few years ago, the idea to create SPIRITUAL PATHWAYS began to evolve.  The open door of my heart continues to grow in that fulfilling direction as “I Love Me, I Am Perfect,” has become my personal mantra, a mantra that at first was very foreign to me.  My mind had raced back over experiences in my life that, from my perspective, were much less than perfect.

From that time to this, much has changed in my thought world and my life experience.  I see my journey as the same journey as that of an acorn.  The journey of new beginnings growing into maturity like the Oak tree fulfilling its potential, as it brings forth an abundance of new acorns.  Each acorn has a natural growth pattern, which when nurtured with right conditions, creates new growth as the cycle of life continues.

“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.”  (James Allen)

The acorn came into this world with the energy, the pattern, the DNA if you will, to fulfill its potential.  I have that same natural pattern, as do each of us.  For me, SPIRITUAL PATHWAYS is part of that pattern. It comes from the pattern of love that guides and supports me through eternity.  As far as I can see, the difference between myself and an acorn is that I have free will. I can choose how I want to live my life.  To my knowledge, the acorn does not.  It fulfills life potential in a way that is productive for its kind.

It is my belief that I chose to incarnate into this world through my Violet personality for various reasons. I set specific intentions, as I planned to re-enter this world as part of my on- going journey through eternity.  These intentions created the pattern of my current life energy which I can access through my inner knowing which lies at the center of my Spiritual or Higher self.  As I have accumulated many experiences, in this life time and many others, I have evolved to the place of expression that I am now.  It is this pattern that brings me to a place of fulfillment as I share this phase of my journey of love through SPIRITUAL PATHWAYS.  I now know that when I say, I Love Me, I Am Perfect,” I am referring to the energy that I have chosen for myself as Violet.  I am perfect as I follow the inner or Divine guidance that I have created as my personal journey in connection to the one energy, which is the whole of life.

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