Services I Offer
Spiritual Mentoring
Customized one-on-one mentoring sessions to help you create happy, healthy, fulfilling life experiences.
Metaphysical Teachings
Rev. Violet’s unique blend of integrating science, spirituality, philosophy, and practicality.
Prayerful Meditation
The Foundation for Everything. Experience the benefits of this self-care practice that is the foundation for spiritual growth.
Energy Healing
Feel your heart open as you receive the comfort and peace of healing energy flowing through you!
Past Lives Exploration
Have fun getting to know yourself from a much greater perspective!
Spirit Communication
Experience the joy of connecting with Loved Ones and or Spirit Teachers through Clairvoyant Readings and Mediumship Development classes!
I most appreciate the honest depth of kindness that is part of Rev. Violet's extraordinary call to minister, to guide and to teach. In an intuitive reading she gave me, I felt a profound connection to spirit as she gave me significant information that only a gifted medium could access.
Ervene Boyd